While nursing my 4 day old daughter at 3 o'clock I was struck by the urge to e-mail my best friend. Sure, she knew little Helen had arrived, but the details were left for another time.
So I thought about all the things 3 a.m. was teaching me and sent her this short list:
- You are never as tired as you think you are. Dante might have outlined ten circles of hell, but there are infinite levels of tired.
- Helen hates wet diapers. Not poopy diapers. Wet diapers.
- Breast milk burps are smelly. Who knew? Having never considered my daughter would have bad breath, given that she's certainly not eating garlic and onions regularly, her rancid milk breath took me by surprise.
- I've always heard women say the pains of labor are easily forgotten, and while I partially agree, the after labor pains are not. I'd rather take 14 hours of labor and be done than over a week of intense cramping and backaches from nursing. (I say this as a woman who had a very, very smooth birthing experience).
- Helen is cute as a bug, even when she's projectile pooping on the wall.
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