Well that was just awful . . . nothing scarier for a first time parent than a four month old with a head cold. I can proudly say we survived the runny nose and stuffy head.
Here are the things that helped me through:
1. Boogie Wipes. These are awesome, soft little saline wipes for cleaning snotty noses and beyond. Though Helen definitely hated having her nose wiped, it made for a better experience all around
2. Nose syringe. I'm sure every parent has one - we got ours from the hospital when she was born. She screamed like a banshee when I used it, but it certainly pulled the snot from her tiny little nose.
3. Infants Tylenol. We bought the generic brand and had no problems. It perked her up on her worst days and helped her sleep better at night.
4. Vicks Baby Rub. We rubbed this over her chest and back at night to help break up the congestion. We were also trying to preempt a cough and make sure the coughing wouldn't wake her (luckily she hasn't gotten a cough yet).
5. Tissues. For yourself. Both myself and my husband caught her cold as well . . . caring for a sick kid is mighty difficult when you're also sick.
Helen needed extra snuggles over the weekend, but otherwise she was tougher than I thought she'd be - seems like babies are a little more resilient than I gave them credit for.